I just wanted to say that today I experienced how "God works in mysterious ways." After a long day at school I was really tired during our 5 o'clock mass today. While Father Jaime was blessing the Body and Blood of Christ, I was standing up with my eyes closed listening to him speak. When he said, "Oremos" which means, "Let us pray" I began to pray. I asked God to please help me stay awake for the next 20 minutes so I can finish mass. I told God that I was really tired but I did not want to be disrespectful in his house and that I really wanted to be there. Still with my eyes closed, I began to feel as if I was falling and I quickly woke up! Ashley glanced over at me since she was the only one who noticed me standing and leaning towards my right and then waking up suddenly, if I was okay. I told her that I was falling asleep, but I was up now. I felt as if I had just woken up after sleeping 10 hours and was ready to start my day. I'm not sure if it was the adrenaline that rushed through my body for those slip seconds, but I was sure up for the next twenty minutes and all through dinner. Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it! I sure did, in an unexpected way. At least I know God answered my prayer.
Aside from this very funny incident, I have been having a wonderful time at the Intermediate level. Mrs. Paizy is the teacher I am currently substituting for full time thought that yesterday Monday April 11 was going to be her last day of work. But she had her little bundle of joy last Wednesday. On Friday, April 1, I introduced the Scrapbook project to the students and on Monday, April 4, I began to instruct the class while Mrs. Paizy observed me. So on Wednesday April 6, I felt pretty confident to continue working with the kids without her being there. before she left, she gave me some great advise for each class. Her most important advise so far would be: Don't mind the little things. If a student is talking, let them talk as long as they are working. This little piece of advice has saved me a headache or two. When I see students laughing or making jokes my first instinct tell me that they are probably not working, but after going and taking a look, these same students are working diligently. Don't mind the little things. I'm really enjoying the scrapbook project. Some of the students are really surprising me. Out of 5 classes only one is using magazines, which I thought everyone was going to want to use. They have used the magazine pages as backgrounds or they simply cut out the things they like.
Keep it up,babe. :)